Thursday, February 20, 2020

February 19,2020- 5 weeks

Hello everyone
  This week has gone pretty well. This week seemed to go fast. We were able to do a church history tour, and it was really fun. We first went into Preston. We walked to a church and then into the city square. We then walked to an apartment were the missionaries stay and then we went to this garden. I took some picture in the garden by a bridge.  Then we went to the Ribble River. (Pictures next to river). We then walked up the hill and to the apartment of President Gordon B. Hinkley, when he was a missionary in England.   We then traveled on the bus and drove through a bunch of little towns, that were all pretty cool. We stopped at one, and we were able to go inside a catholic church.  It was beautiful. The glass work was crazy. I felt the spirit in the church, and I know the Catholic church worshipping the same God, and like us want to be closer to him. I think a lot of their work and contributions gets looked over. 
     This week I had one of my best lessons yet. We went in, and just were able to talk for 10-15 minutes in German.  We did a really good job transitioning to gospel stuff from our casual conversation. The language is coming, just really slowly. I do feel I am understanding better even if cannot speak well. 
    The other big thing that happened this week was we had everyone leave. Right now, in the Elders side, it is only me and 3 other elders. There are only 7 sisters. We had a farewell devotional before we went to bed as a zone, and I'm really surprised how much I'll miss those guys that left.   I got to know some of them pretty well, and it’s weird to say goodbye. I think we will have another 30 or so coming in tomorrow. I’m not real excited about that, its kinda nice only having 4 of us. 
     I got the sweater. I've been wearing it a lot already. Its really warm, and nice – Thank you.   I haven't been taking many pictures with the camera, I have just been making other people take pictures for me. I hope the president will give me my phone back soon(President has phone because the Galaxy 10 is too new for the church block app. - hope with time they can update and add to my phone). I haven't found out anything about travel plans or anything. They will usually tell you the day before you leave. I've talked to several teachers who served in the Alpine mision, and they all said they had to fly really early in the morning and when they got to Munich they had to do street contact on the first day, so I'm a little worried about that.  I think we stay at the mission home one night before going to our areas. If we do not get to talk next week I will send an email. 
     Love you, talk to you next week or something.

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