Saturday, January 22, 2022


50 Things I learned on my Mission  

Elder Brown     



1- Probably the most important thing I've learned on my mission is how much

 I took advantage of my life at home and how much I need to be thankful for that life I will have after the mission 

2- I learned how Jesus Christ stands in the middle of the plan

3- I learned that the atonement of Jesus Christ is the most significant thing to occur in all of existence 

4- I learned that Jesus Christ is the most important person to have ever lived

5- I learned that God has a plan for us 

6- I learned that God doesn't have a specific plan for our individual lives but wants us to do our best no matter what we choose.

7- I learned that no matter what we do in our lives God wants to and will help us. 

8- I learned most people are not atheist and believe in some kind of higher power or God.

9- I deepened my knowledge and understanding of the Book of Mormon.

10- I learned a lot more about Joseph Smith 

11- I came to a better understanding of how Joseph Smith did more for the salvation of mankind, aside from Jesus Christ, than any other man

12- I learned a lot more about the early history of the saints

13- I learned a lot more about Brigham Young 

14- I learned a lot more about the church after the death of Joseph Smith

15- I learned a lot more about the temple 

16- I learned how the book of Mormon would have been impossible for Joseph Smith to have written 

17- I learned how accurate the Bible actually is

18- I learned how the flood can explain a lot of weird things (how the Grand Canyon was formed, evolution and how old Adam was)

19-I learned how terrible some governments can be

20-I learned how important our freedoms really are

21-I learned how terrible it is to have to take public transportation 

22-I learned how terrible it is to have someone with you 24/7

23-I learned how nice it is to be with your family 

24-I learned to appreciate guns a lot more

25-I learned to appreciate country music a lot more

26-I learned to appreciate cowboy boots and hats a lot more

27-I learned how good we had it under 45

28- I learned how nice it is to have a real gym

29- it doesn't matter where you are (physically) on a mission, you can help people and grow

30- it doesn't matter who you serve with, you can help people and grow  

31- it doesn't matter your German experience, you can help people and grow 

32-Learning German is very difficult. It's made even more difficult by a global pandemic.

33- life’s better when you live in a beautiful place 

34-life’s better when you have a good ward

35- moving every 3 months or so is pretty difficult

36- moving every 3 months or so was also kinda fun and cool

37- having a ton of companions can be very difficult especially when you have to leave a comp you really liked

38- having a ton of companions can be nice especially when you get to leave someone you weren't particularly so fond of.

39- having a good companion is better than a good area. 

40- I learned from bad parent's bad example how not to parent

41- I learned from good parent's good examples how to parent

43-I came to learn how good my parents were

44- I learned how disgusting some people's homes are and how I never want to live like that

45- I learned how clean some people are and how I'd like to live like them

46-I learned how important it is to pick the right girl for my wife, especially if I plan on spending a lot of time with her

47-I learned how much a good since of humor means for a spouse 

48-I learned that having similar politics to someone doesn't mean everything, but it definitely helps

49-it's important to be self-aware, humble, polite, and patient.

50-Life can really suck at times, but God will always be there for you, and if you have faith you'll be just fine.


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50 Things I learned on my Mission   Elder Brown           1- Probably the most important thing I've learned on my mission is how much  I...