Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hi Everyone
So last week I got transferred to Waiblingen Germany a small town outside Stuttgart, north of Munich.  I am scared for my German.   I really like Elder Stromsofer my new companion, he is cool, but his German is not much better than mine.  Most days are pretty boring.  We get up and study and try to go for a run. It is hard to come up with a schedule and make up what you are doing all day.  We are doing some facebook.    A few days ago we did have a member appointment that was fun.  We took the train to meet the mother of the family and she walked us back to her home.  We were teaching her husband.  I gave the thought and it ended up going ok even though the husband got angry that he could not find the talk on LDS.org.  We had a good meal and they sent us home with chocolate and oranges.  We have hung out with the Elders in Stuttgart and last p-day we went to the Porsche museum.  It was sick! So many cool cars.  I like my apartment it is nicer than the one in Munich.  We had a clogged sink and we found some chemicals, like Drano and then used a plunger, I think we fixed it.  I have been sleeping better but I had a really weird dream and felt like someone was sitting on my bed – freaked me out.  We went to a district meeting today and meet at the church, we then went to a Sandwich shop and it was closed so went to five guys for a burger.  I had someone tell me I had a hair cut like Donald Trump. We went to the other elders apartment and I stole one of their broken lamps and fixed and brought it back to use on my desk.  We walked around the city of Stuttgart and saw some cool churches and castle.  We saw some turtles, fish and a swan in this pond that was like lime green.  We sat in the park and there where some kids there that were kind of staring us down.  I said “servus” and they smiled and said Hi so we had a short conversation as we walked past.
Hope you have a good week and pray we can start doing some face to face teaching or contacting soon.
Elder Carson

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