Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 9, 2020

It’s been an ok week. Last Tuesday was pretty fun. For P-day we went to the church in Stuttgart and played basketball and ate with 7 other elders and 4 sisters. We had bought a big tub of ice cream and didn’t want to take it home so we ate until it was gone, it was a party! We have done some work on Facebook, random scripture study, which has been good and we’ve been going for walks around the fields that are by our apartment (pictures)

Last week we had an exchange with the AP and it was a little scary but it was pretty chill. We did some studying with them and went for a walk I felt bad I got the AP elder a little dirty walking along dirt road. The APs were really nice I felt bad because they asked how they could improve on anything and I couldn’t think of anything to say except for maybe improve on their English, they’re both German natives. Hope I didn’t offend them. They stayed overnight in our apartment and we got up early and went for a run I was sure tired I guess I’m out of shape. 

We went to the church and did a member appointment. The lesson was really cool and went really well it was all in German and I understood everything. We had another member appointment and I was able to say everything I needed to even shared a personal story in German it was fun to even correct elder Stormsdorfer on his German a wee bit, it was fun!

Sorry to hear about protests and riots in the US as we were getting off the train we saw someone spray painting “black lives matter” on the wall in English. We’ve had a few protest in Stuttgart. We had a perspective investigator or friend as we call them who wanted a book of Mormon so we got on a bus and then walked a couple of miles to their place and she was not there so we left a 
Book of Mormon in her mailbox I hope she got it. It’s been nice to be close to the church and we spend time there hanging out as well as playing ball. Weather has been rainy and not too hot. 
Hope you have a good week
Elder Carson

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