Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 26,20 - 32 weeks

Hi Everyone. 
My first week in new area has been good. When I first met my new companion Elder Bense who is from Austria he was super quiet. As we walked to our apartment and unpacked we talked more. This week I have found out he is really cool and I am excited. He has been great to talk to and I feel very blessed and happy to have a new companion. I was sad and upset during the transfer that the wheel broke on my suitcase, so I couldn’t roll it. We were walking and Elder Bense was nice to help and we ended up getting the bus so I didn’t have to carry my suitcase. On the first day that I arrived in Kreuzlingen we had a zoom meeting with our temporary mission president . He and his wife started to cry then told us that Mission President and Sister Naatjes were arriving the next day - we were shocked we didn't think they could cross the German boarder. I guess they had some crazy travel itinerary to get into the country. I think they flew into Czech Republic and somehow came across.   
When we went to get groceries we missed the train and kind of got mixed up and lost. We were on the wrong bus but I think it was a good thing. Elder Bense asked this guy about the bus routes and we ended up sitting by him and we talked about the church. We went to two different members homes this week and did service. We helped move a family into a new home. We got really hot and sweaty I think being close to the lake makes it really humid. The other family had us help build a bunkbed. It was fun they had a cute little one-year-old. 
We got to meet the new president in a zoom meeting he seems really cool. We also met the other elders that serve in Kreuzlingen. They live in the basement of a members home. It is a very nice home and they have a gym so one day we took our workout clothes and went and did our sports time there. We got to travel into Zürich Switzerland and walked around in the town.  I bought a real cool Swiss knife. I really like our District.  I like all of the elders that are serving here. There is one set of sister Missionaries also.  On Monday we helped the sister missionaries move apartments.
We met with the bishop at his home and had dinner. It was fun to talk to his youngest son, I think he is about 3 years old, who spoke Swiss German. Even Elder Bense couldn’t understand him.  I was proud of myself I tried to speak German the whole time. I’ve been pretty discouraged about my German. At church we tried to greet and talk to the members and I felt bad I’m such a greeny.  Even after being out for seven months, I am struggling.   I just have not been able to use the language much and my language skills are terrible.  I did do the sacrament prayer in German and that went OK.
We actually got to do our first lessons here. We taught a German lady and then we did another lesson with a single mother and her three daughters. The mother wanted us to help their one daughter with her English and so we did a little.   We did the lessons in German and it’s nice to be with a companion that is a native German and knows the language so well.  I didn’t teach much of the lesson but I did understand everything that was being taught. 
Hope you are well Love Elder Brown

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