Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Week 1 - January 21,2020

Hey everyone, I'm doing good. This week has actually not been that bad. I haven't felt that home sick, and I'm having a lot of fun. I have a companion who's from New Hampshire, he's pretty chill. He's really good at German, so he's been helping me. The two other elder in my room are from Glasgow Scotland, and the other is from Preston, England. All the elders are way cool. There is only like 15-20 elders and 15-20 sisters. In our district/ class we only have 6 people, the four in our room, and two other sisters. We went to Manchester on Monday. It was kinda crazy, we only talked to one guy, and he wasn't interested. We had some weird guy come up to us and try to talk at us. I thought he was speaking German at first, but I think he was just crazy. Our zone leaders recently got in a bunch of trouble, one of the members of their district didn't even install mass 360( church security or restrictive app), and he was still texting his friends at home, and going on Instagram and Facebook. The whole district lost their phones for a while. But the crazy thing is, me and my companion are the new zone leaders. We are the newest, but next week all the London missionaries are leaving, and we'll be the longest here.  It's really cool seeing all these different people. At first I couldn't even understand the Scottish guy in my room, but now I can understand him pretty well. There's guys from everywhere here, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Romania, Brazil, Finland, Spain, and a bunch from the UK. It's been cool just talking to everyone. Another thing crazy that happened is we had our MTC president leave and another came, so far I really like him and his wife. Today we got to go to an endowment session at the Preston England temple, it was pretty cool. I still like Cedar more though. I think we'll head into Chorley later today and see the town. Talk to you later.LoveElder Brown

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