Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Week 2 - January 28, 2020

Hey everyone.  The week has been ok. We had our test on all our German words on Monday, and I did really bad. Everyone in our district did pretty bad, so I'm not sure what to think. We are doing lessons in German, and I think I'm getting better at it. We got to go to the Preston temple again, it is just the missionaries in the session.  We also walked into the town of Chorley and got drenched by rain as we ran back.  Today at 4:00am 15 elders left MTC for England missions, so only my district and one other district still here, so maybe 12 missionaries total.  In the morning we get 15 more missionaries.  A bit nervous because I think most of them are native German missionaries going to German missions.  Maybe they can help with my German.
 My companion and room mates are good.  Elder Maughan is good to me.  I like the new MTC president and his wife.  I talk to Pres. Ostler and he served in the Alpine mission as a young missionary.  So he speaks German.  He was the mission president of Philippines Manila before this assignment.   The food has been pretty ok. Nothing really that good, but nothing terrible. We had haggis yesterday, and that was pretty disgusting. So far, the weather hasn't been that cold. Most days we go play football/soccer, and I usually just wear a t-shirt. 
Love you  
Elder Brown

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