Tuesday, February 4, 2020

March 4, 2020 - 3 Weeks

Hey everyone
    It's been another good week. This week we had another group of missionaries come in. They are all pretty cool. I definitely miss the last group though. In the old group we only had 4 Americans, but now the majority of elders are American. It's a different feel now. I'm not really sure if it's a good or bad change yet. We've still been playing a lot of football,(soccer)but it's not nearly as fun, the skill level is definitely a lot lower. This week the German has been going well. It's not coming as fast as I thought it would, but it's still coming. They're expecting alot from us, and recently, we have had alot less study time. My companion speaks more German than I so he is good to help me. This last week my companion was sometimes annoying , but I think this is just part of having a companion. Another thing that happened was MTC President Ostler came up with a bunch of new rules for socializing. Really like the president and enjoyed talking with him. This week we started doing a snack after class in the cafeteria. I guess it was getting to loud and going on to long. We now only have ten minutes for the snack time. He also made a rule that elders and sisters can't sit together at the cafeteria table during breakfast lunch dinner, or snacks. I guess rules are good but right now not sure I agree.
We went to the temple today and into town again, so it's been a good day.
Looking forward to this next week.
Love you
Elder Brown

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