Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week 4 - 2/11/20

Hi Everyone 
This week has been ok. Nothing new or exciting has really happened. We were able to go into Manchester again. It was pretty fun. Me and Elder Moughan didn't have much success, but it was fun to get out for a second. Something crazy that happened was there was a stabbing right were we were. When we first got to the city center there was a couple of areas roped off, with police standing around. I don't know how many people were hurt, but I heard three people got stabbed. The area is called Piccadilly Garden square. This last week I've been feeling pretty inadequate. As we are going farther in the German lessons, I feel like I'm just getting farther behind. I did have a really good door approach and lesson last night I had to do in German, so that was good.  We went in with not much of a plan, we thought it would be just a door approach, and it ended up going really well. We had to scramble a little bit, but it was good. I haven't received my travel plans yet for when I fly to Germany, but I'll be traveling with elder Gallacher and Cockerill who are roommates and sister Martin. My companion goes to the Berlin Germany mission.  You asked about how I was sleeping and how the food was.  The food is not that great and it is all starting to taste the same.   I sometimes do not sleep all that well, thinking about German studies I think, but I'm ok. I've got all the amazon stuff so far, the root beer and SD card, and the letters. Thank you. 

See ya later
Love Elder Brown

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