Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17,2020 - Letter

Hello again    This week has seemed really long. We've had a ton happen. Dounerstag. I got up, and yeah. And then when I was getting ready I could hear what I thought was a lawnmower, so I looked out the window, and I could hear one, but I had no idea where it was. I kept looking, and then I noticed a guy mowing his little 10 by 10 foot lawn behind his bushes. I guess that means its spring. That day we went finding, and we meet up with the sister. For some reason they were in Augsburg. They were on tausch(exchange). With the München sisters so I think that's why. We  traveled by bus to a members house. It was really close to the bishop's house. We ended up just reading from the Book of Mormon and it was kinda hard doing that in German, but I did ok. I also bore my testimony and he understood me so that was cool. Freitag. This day was really crazy. So today was supposed to be when we   tausched(exchangeed) with the zone leaders, so I got my bag all ready that morning. When i was getting ready we got news from the zone leaders that we'd needed to delay. They said sister sharp was getting sent home because she had bronchitis and it is her last transfer, and they wanted to say goodbye.  So we changed our plans to do anAufstellung, and we went to get our bike
We then went out finding . We stoped some guy and he pranked up. We asked him if he knew about the book of Mormon, and he said he knew it by heart. So we asked if we could exchange numbers, so he gave us some number, and it was several numbers short of a real number. We asked him about it, and the next number was an American number, so we asked him and he was like no that's an English number.  We then traveled to the church and got my bag and then traveled to München.  We sat there on the street and this drunk guy walked up to us and started talking to us.  We talked to him, and at one point Elder Porter told him he was a son of God, and he started to cry.  So that was pretty cool.  I'm not sure if it was him being drunk or if he really felt the spirit.So we then met up with the zone leaders and we'd just decided we'd just go find the sisters, so we then traveled to the office. We found them, and we were able to give them the stuff we had copied for them and then we were able to say goodbye. I then said goodbye to elder porter, and I went and stayed at the zl's Wohnung. It was kinda a mess, but whatever. I cleaned their dishes for them, that was fun I guess. Samstag.  We woke up at 6:30 and the bishop of the München ward came and picked us up at 6:45. We went and helped move his son, it was a lot easier and more fun that the move we did a week ago. It was weird because the Wohnung(house), was set up almost exactly the same as the other one, it was just not disgusting. We then moved them and I slept In the car a bunch because it was a ways away. After the move they fed up which was nice. We also went to get gas after, and I guess its cheaper in Österreich(Austria) . So I was able to go there for the first time.  When I woke up the bishop told me and elder Fairbanks his story of when he went to America. It was really cool. It really helped me to believe a little more in the gift of tongues. We then went to the zns Wohnung and got by Rucksack. We then took a Zug and a Bus to a church in München. We then filmed some stuff for something. I meet elder porter then and we then traveled back to Augsburg.Sonntag. We got up and got ready and went to the church, but we just watched a thing on elder porters tablet. We then went finding. Then we came home and ate. Then we went out finding again. And then we had a lesson. Then we went finding again. Then we went to the church and watched a zone thing with President Browns. The we came home and slept. I dont think I have done this much finding in one day. I'm getting kinda get frustrated and a pit overwhelmed over the whole rushed feeling I'm getting. I understand working hard, but we're constantly running around trying to accomplish a whole lot of nothing, which is fine, but still, WHERES THE FIRE. Montag. Today was supposed to be a little slower, but we still did a bunch of stuff.  Went to the store bought some snacks, went to the Augsburg sisters old apartment. Then we got the Ingsbrocck sisters from the Bahnhof. One of the sister is sister Martin, she was in the MTC with me. We then took them to their apartment and helped with there bags. Then we went with them to help them shop.  When we paid it was like 150 euros. That's a lot to carry. And we had a bunch of cans. So we carried their groceries back to their apartment. We got our bags and went shopping for us. We then carried all of our groceries  back to our apartment. We then cleaned the apartment  Elder porter cleaned the fridge out and I mopped the floors. We then had a district meeting, but we found out we could just Skype in so that's what we did. This is when we found out that we are quarantined . We can go out if we need stuff, but we're supposed to start doing a lot of stuff online.Dienstag- It's raining. Communicating by email with a few members so we are at the church – going to play a little basket ball – alone. Love you – Talk to you bois in a little bit

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