Saturday, July 4, 2020

June 30 - Week 24

It’s been a good week. Today was really fun for our P day we went with the elders from Esslinsen to Ritter sport which is a chocolate factory- there’s a museum but we found that it was closed so we just bought lots of chocolate at the chocolate store. Then Elder Brown took us on a trail that was a little sketchy but after 30 minutes we got to this really cool old castle. We also hiked to this waterfall that was really fun then climbed up into a cave. This week we’ve been able to teach a few lessons as well as we’ve had several member appointments where we’ve gone into members homes and had dinner. I really like the Rodes family they are members and they are American. One sister gave us a lot of food and kind of forced us to eat everything - we were sick. I am definitely going to have to go on a diet. One our lessons this week was kind of weird we went and taught this guy we met on the street it was a strange experience. When we first got there we couldn’t find him he was on the balcony and started yelling he came down but was not wearing anything but his underwear. He then got dressed and left and we stayed and talk to his friend then he came back from the store with some bread and apple juice. I think he wanted to feed us something.  When we gave him a book of Mormon and started to explain things about the scriptures things kind of went sour. He started to argue with us and I definitely could tell the spirit was not there as Elder Brown and Robertson tried to calm him down. I felt really bad because he seem like a nice guy. Finally we just said we needed to leave and he didn’t want us to go but he just wanted to argue that there was nothing else besides the Bible. Hopefully we could meet with him again and things will go better. We are still teaching Alex an investigator from China I really like him. We also are teaching an investigator that we all knew in Munich we just talk to them on the phone. Next week is transfers and we will find out on Saturday if we are being moved. I’m not sure how I feel I’ve like my two companions and I’ve enjoyed being here in Tubingen. Hope everyone’s well at home love you. Love Elder Carson 

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