Wednesday, July 15, 2020

July 14,2020 26 Weeks (6 months)

Hi everyone

It has been a good week but a little bit boring. Last Wednesday was transfers. I helped pack up Elder Brown and Robertson and got them to the train, and helped with all their bags. We also helped one of  the sister missionaries who was transferring. We met up with the zone leaders and then had to wait for several hours for my companion to arrive. So we went into Stuttgart and got some lunch. Elder Colman my companion arrive by about 1:30. I miss Elder Robertson and his assertiveness and ability to talk to the ward members. It is nice that we get to go to church and see a few people and partake of the sacrament. We went and had dinner with the bishop and his family that was good. We have just had a really slow week of teaching. I look forward to zone conference and hope we can get new instruction on how to contact more people. It’s kind of weird Elder Colman has been assigned to work with some Persian speaking people and is learned Persian. So he is spending time doing that. I try to stay busy with studying. Trying to do some Facebook but I don’t particularly like it. We did get to attend a baptism with a family baptizing their eight-year-old and they had us speak.  I think it went OK.  I was pretty scared that’s only my second time giving a talk in German. I did go and get a haircut this week. I’m doing well just struggling a little bit to get used to new companion I have been in a Drit or threesome  for most of my mission, other than when I was with my trainer Elder Porter and Elder Stormsdorfer who I really liked.  I hit my six month mark this week. Yay! Have a good week see ya 

Elder Brown 

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