Saturday, July 11, 2020

July 8, 2020 - Week 25

It’s been a good week and we have stayed pretty busy.  A couple of fun things happen this week. We got to go to church and the missionaries blessed and passed the sacrament. It was good to see and talk to church members. We went home with one of the members and they fed us really good food. We are teaching a few investigators one who is dating a member, a members son who is re-investigating the church and another who is from China. We were able to take a member with us for our lesson that speaks Chinese and it was really good to have him help us teach the lesson. We also are meeting with a new convert and he has a strong testimony even though he doesn’t know much about the gospel. We are going to continue to give him lessons. I got a package and I opened my early birthday present - a new watch. I am happy to say I finished the Book of Mormon. I started reading BofM again as I entered the mission field. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. We have transfers later this week. I will be staying in Tübingen and will have a new companion Elder Coleman he is from Idaho Falls. Elder Robinson is going to Austria and Elder Brown will be serving in Switzerland. I’m excited to stay in Tübingen and really like this city and the members here, but I’m a little nervous to be by myself as the only one that knows the area. Our sisters are being transferred out too. I really liked  them and they help us Elders. They have been here a long time and know the town and the members well. I was hoping one of the sisters would stay. We are trying to do a lot on Facebook I am not too excited about it I’m not sure how productive it is but I’m trying to get a better attitude. I listen to patriotic music from the hymnbook for my Fourth of July activity. When I was listening I began to cry. I miss my country. America is great. I really liked the words from “My Country ‘Tis of thee”. I read from 2 Nephi 1:7 that is a reference for this hymnal- about living worthy of our country and being righteous and that we will be blessed. I feel so blessed to live in America. I liked the words “ Long may our land be bright with freedoms holy light, protect us by Thy might , God our King.” I am looking forward to the day I can return to America and to my family. I miss you. Have a good week. 
Elder Carson Brown 

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