Friday, August 7, 2020

August 4,2020 - 29 Weeks

 It has been an ok week.  Still really slow but we have done a few service projects for members and are meeting with a few investigators.  We call our investigators friends.  We teach one friend each week that is a bit mentally challenged but as we taught him this week I was able to understand his German.  I was surprised because he has  slurred speech.  I was excited to purchase a cool pocket knife in a store in Reutlingen that is really close to our town of Tubingen.  I really like the knife- Happy Birthday to me.  Thanks Grandma for the birthday money.  Most days we are not very busy we just do a lot of studying and we go visit and teach Xui our Chinese friend and Alex another friend we are giving lessons too.  It was nice to have a few members invite us over to eat and to help with projects.  We trimmed trees and then burn the limbs.  We also help weed at another members house and helped in their bee farm.  The member we helped yesterday was very appreciative and even started to cry. We went with one member family to a car show, that was fun.  We then went for a hike to waterfall I have already been to but Elder Colman had not so it was good to get out into nature.  A good thing that happened this week is I got my drivers license.  I feel very blessed because the sister missionaries turned their papers in several weeks ago and still don't have theirs back.  I am so happy to drive.  Elder Colmans driving makes we car sick, never knew I had such a tender stomach.  I had a fever a few days ago and I was so worried I had COVID but I think I had been around a member who was sick with a cold but he had tested negative.  Elder Colman is so high energy and excited about everything but hard to be that way when I don't feel well.  The one good thing Im really enjoying is a lot of time reading scriptures.  Life is pretty boring and a bit discouraged because we have heard nothing will change for several months.  Pray I can endure.  Bye and love you

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