Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 22, 2020 36 Weeks

Yo family 

Not much of interest going on. I feel like I’m a broken record because we do about the same thing every day which is not much. 

We did have two member appointments on the weekend and I’m happy to say we have several more member appointments lined up for this week. Saturday we are also planning to go on a ward hike so hopefully we can get to know more of the members. 

I’m still a bit nervous about my German I don’t feel I’m very fluent and so I am very self-conscious about communicating. 

We may have a potential investigator, we met with him last week and are scheduled to meet again. I really rely on my companion Elder Benge and appreciate him. I’m thankful for his ability to speak German so well. I am really going to miss him if he and I are split up at transfers. 

This Friday we are having another zone meeting so it should be fun meeting up with other elders. We had a fun excursion today with those Elders in our district. We rode up a gondola kind of like a ski lift and then hike up to the top of one of the peaks. I was a little disappointed that the fog came in and so we only had a view for a short time. I enjoyed hanging out, getting out of the apartment and seeing beautiful Switzerland. Enjoy the pictures. Have a good week

Love you Elder Carson 

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