Friday, November 20, 2020

Week 44 - November 20 ,20.

Post written by Leah

Carson had an eight-hour train ride a week ago from Zerik Switzerland to Vienna Austria. He took a lot of pictures that I have posted on his blog page. He said it was beautiful scenery as they passed through Liechtenstein and the Alps of Austria by Salzburg and the Arlberg pass. He felt bad he did not get better pictures. He traveled several hours by himself but all went well, other than he was not 100 % sure which train stop to get off so he waited until the last stop. Then had to wait for a while before the other Elders picked him up. He is with new companion Elder Blauer who is from Virgina. Elder Blauer had 4+ years of German training in school so he is happy he speaks the language well. Carson said they are getting along well and he seems to like him so far. They also have Elder Lee with them while he waits for his companion who is quarantined in Switzerland awaiting a Covid 19 test results. Elder Lee is from upstate New York. Austria is on lock down starting this week so Elder Cockerel, Elder Lee companion may not be able to cross the border. Carson was a bit disappointed because Elder Cockerel was in the MTC with him and he really likes him. Carson said they are allowed out of their homes to shop for essential's and have one hour to exercise or go for a walk. They went to a park and played basketball - Happy he is exercising. Carson said they have had some good member appointments and the people have been very good to them. One member bought them several bags of groceries. The Elders were very appreciative. Carson said he has done a lot of cleaning in his apartment and they had to re-arrange things to make room for a third Elder in the apartment. He showed us the view off of his balcony and the city of Vienna looks beautiful. Carson said the mission president is moving missionaries around to accommodate the new missionaries that are now allowed to come to Preston England MTC, and mission president thinks in shut down having three and four elders together is better than companionships. Carson sounded more upbeat but still stuggling because they cannot do much. It is always hard to be away during the holidays. Thanksfor your continued prayers and support. 
Love Leah and Elder Carson Brown

First day Vienna - Went to a park (Elder Blauer, and Elder Lee). Wonderful ward member brought us groceries / November 13,20


Traveling on Railjet Train from Switzerland to Austria through Arlberg Alp pass - 8 hour trip / November 11, 2020


Friday, November 6, 2020

P- Day Hike, Hallloween, and pictures from apartment- Kreuzlingen Switzerland

Riding Up the Gondola - In the clouds and rain

Eating at a restaurant at the top of the peak. Ham, Sauerkraut, Potatoes.  Big Cow bells hanging in the center of the room. 

Fun lighting our jack o lanterns

Cold enough to wear my big coat

 Looking our our window

November 6, 2020 week 42


It has been a good week.  We had zone conference and then Halloween.  We had fun carving pumpkins, hanging out at the church, and walking around during the day.  This last Sunday they restricted the numbers that could come to church so the ward divided and so only 20 members were there.  It was fast and testimony meeting and so almost everyone in the congregation got up to the podium.  We had District council on Tuesday and then several member visits during the week.   Those have gone really well. I am enjoying meeting with the families in the ward but I still do not say much or participate in the lesson.    On Tuesday for P-day we went on another hike - It was super cloudy and so I did not get any good pictures.  We took a gondola up to this peak and we could not see anything.  Even if Elder Benge got 10 feet in front of me I could not see him.  We ate at the restaurant at the top.  I thought it was going to be fancy but it was ham, sauerkraut  and potatoes.  It was fun just to hang out with Elder Benge.  Next week we have transfers and I am super worried about my new assignment.  I did have an interview with President and I am relieved that I will not be a trainer.  I will keep working on my German and hopefully be ready to take that assignment on next transfer.   I am still discouraged that we can not make contacts and we do not have a lot to do with our time. We are encouraged to do Facebook and I struggle to do that and find value.  We will receive 10 new missionaries this next week that have been in Preston England MTC for a two week quarantine.  President told us that every two weeks our mission will be getting new missionaries.  These will be the first missionaries to enter our mission since my group that came in on February 28.  We are doing splits today so I had time to write this while hanging out at the other Elders apartment.  Love you and miss you.  I think I and happier and staying more positive. 

Love Elder Carson Brown


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