Thursday, April 1, 2021

Crazy three weeks of quarantine - March 16- 31+

 It has been a crazy three weeks.  On March 13 I found out I would be transferred to Heilbronn Germany. On March 16 Elder Cockerill and I left Vienna and traveled to Salzburg.  We stayed there overnight and went on a hike  to a cave for our P-day.  I then traveled alone to Munich where I meet up with two other Elders who had crossed the border into Germany.  We had to spend a week in quarantine before we could go to our assignments.  At the end of my week on March 24 I traveled north to Wiblingen Germany where my companion Elder Mog had been staying with another companionship.  I arrived late so we stayed in Wiblingen and then the next day for our P-day we hung out with the elders from Stuttgart.  Elder Mog and I then travel north to Heilbroon and got our stuff unpacked and the next day we went and got groceries.  The next day just as we were getting settled we got a call that the Elders from Stuttgart were sick and had tested positive for Covid.  We then were told to pack a small bag and head to Ulm Germany, leaving most of my belongings in Heilbronn as well as all the food we had purchased the day before. We have now been in Ulm for a week on Quarantine.   Myself and the three other elders had been with the two elders that are now sick on March 24. It has been just over a week and we are not sick so I hope we can return to our apartment in Heilbronn. We had the sisters bring us groceries, including Sister Summer Bryson from Cedar.  That was fun to see her.  

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