Wednesday, August 4, 2021

4th of July, Happy Birthday July 21, Mission Conference.

 Carson is serving in Esslingen just outside of Stuttgart, Germany 

For the 4th of July he along with several of the other elders in the Tubingen and Stuttgart Germany area purchased USA flag ties.  Carson said out on the street they had a lot of street contacts as people would stop to comment on their ties.  He said it was a positive thing and a great way to start up a conversation with by passers.   

For Carsons birthday he got a new belt and then purchased a bolo tie, guess he wants to be an America cowboy.  

July 15 Carson sent home Elder Harbor - Manchester England 

New companion is Elder Gleason - Carson has really enjoyed him.  They where in a trio - Dreiergruppe a year ago.  This photo is from a year ago with Elder Gleason,  Elder Gleason is headed home the end of August,  Springville Utah.   Carson has sent home his last three companions, or buried them as he would say.  He said they are doing more member visits, now that missionaries got their Covid vaccination.  They are also doing more street contacting and going to sacrament meeting face to face.   

Mission Conference - All the missionaries in the Alpine German Mission sing together 

Watch for Carson 1;10 and again at 2:50

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