Monday, August 23, 2021

Transfer to Solothum Switzerland - Elder Galicher from Scotland Week 83

 Crazy week but really good to be busy.  Right after arriving in Solothum and meeting up with Elder Galicher my companion we headed to the apartment and then had a member appointment.  I was exhausted from traveling because the day had started early and I had three train transfers where I had to drag my bags on and off the train.  I think both my bags are close to 70 pounds.  It is nice to be in an area with a lot of members and we have more referrals than I have ever had.  I am really happy to be with Galicher.  We were in the MTC together and he is really cool.  We had a referral to go visit a less active woman and after a long bus ride through the mountains we found her.  It was crazy because we had traveled east far enough we were in a French speaking area of Switzerland.   She was very nice and we found that she was very busy with work and has to commute everyday.  We also went to visit a man in a mental hospital.  He had contacted us.  He had had the lessons and gone to church with the missionaries about 10 years ago.  He remembered the good feeling he had had and during the past few years as he has attended other churches he felt ours was true.  We arranged for a member to pick him up and he attended Sacrament meeting with us on Sunday.  Hope to continue to teach him, he acts very interested in the church.   It is wonderful having a strong ward and we are meeting with the ward mission leader in mission correlation meeting.  We went on splits with the Elders in Bern Switzerland and I did ok as we did street contacting.  The Swiss German is hard but I can understand most everything.  We played soccer with a group of members on Saturday and had fun visiting with some non members that came to play with us.  On Sunday we helped with part of the Elders Quorum lesson and I bore my testimony, hope they could understand me.  The Bern  temple president lived in our ward and we meet with him after church and had dinner.  We meet with district leaders on Monday and I really like them, good missionaries but also cool guys.  We got to hang out with them and went and got KFC.  The best part of the week is I got to attend a temple endowment session in the Bern Switzerland Temple.  It was kind of hard to understand, being the first time back to temple since I was in the MTC in February of 2020 and because it was in German.  I was doing proxy work for a French name that was really hard to say, but I think I did ok.  For P-Day we meet up with 3 zones and played soccer. I had fun and I really appreciate rubbing shoulders with some nice guys. Appreciate Elder Galicher he is super nice and very outgoing.  He is not afraid to talk and is great to speak to everyone.   Love you 

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