Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 23- Week 23

Week 23
Dear family and friend 
It has been a good week. The best part happened on Monday we went to Stuttgart for zone conference. It was really fun to see everyone we usually meet together with three counties but this time just the city of Stuttgart so a little smaller group. It was really hard to say goodbye to President and Sister Brown this is our last time seeing them before they return home. Our new president is not coming for a few months because they cannot travel across German border so we have a substitute president who lives in Munich.

The next really great thing is that we were given a car we will share it with the sisters that live in our apartment. I got to drive to zone conference. We had a little bit of confusion with the keys and had to go back-and-forth on the train a couple times to get keys all sorted out, but that was ok. 

We have been teaching this Chinese man named Numied Tui and the lessons have gone well. I went on splits with Elder Swite and Gleason they were real cool we went to a member appointment and I struggled a little to understand and respond. After lesson we went exploring as we walked back to their apartment and climbed up this crazy staircase to a tower on the top of a hill, it was close to 50 flights of stairs. Their apartment is a little bigger and nicer it was fun to hang out with them. We joined a ward council with their ward by FaceTime. The main reason I went was to have them introduce me but they didn’t even do that and we just sat there for an hour- oh well. I am a bit nervous because President Brown said most likely I would stay in this area and Elder Robertson and Brown would leave. I would be in charge of this area as senior companion. 

We have a member that we go to each week and read the book of Mormon I think that he is mentally ill because he calls us often but this was the first time I’ve seen him in person.
We had a service project where we went to the bishops house helped him remove an old playhouse or shed thing and cut out a tree including the stump. It started to rain really hard so we had to wait out the storm but then we finished cutting it out in the mud so our shoes got pretty dirty. They fed us and as we were heading home we missed our bus. There wasn’t another one coming for over an hour so we decided to walk it took us an hour to get home but all was good
For P-day we got haircuts and then drove to a members house I got to drive that was fun we went to a castle close to members house and that was cool we ate lunch with them. 
That’s about it 
See ya 
Love you 
Elder Brown

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