Thursday, August 13, 2020

August 11,2020-Week 30

Hello Jemand
This week has been ok I guess.  I've been feeling better about life. This last week was still pretty boring. The biggest thing we did was a youth thing that the Stake President asked us to participate in.  Kind of like a virtual youth conference  Every day, and sometimes twice a day we had a zoom call with a group of 11-13 year olds, all across our stake. The biggest reason it was kinda difficult  was most of the meeting depended on participation,  and most if the youth acted like they were not very  happy to be there. Discussions were  lead for the most part by a guy or girl that were about my age.  Most of our calls were just weird activities.  Probably one of the worst was a escape room we did. We started it on Friday, and it was way hard, and it was all in German so I couldn't help that much, and it took almost 3 hours. We  didn't even finish it on Friday, so we had to do it again on Saturday,  So that was a huge part of our week and  we  had to plan around them.   They were usually at weird times of the day, so that's basically all we did.  We were  not able to plan much other than that.
We had a meeting with our new convert Alex, which was fun. We also had a lesson with Xui and Alex helped. Our relationship with Xui is kinda damaged. We  didn't text him back in a timely manner, I feel terrible Elder Coleman  didn't see the message. Even though it's not that big of a deal for us, it was a big deal for Xui.  I hope we can repair that relationship. He is are only  one real investigator.
Well I got a fresh hair cut today and purchased a new journal and a  pen today.  I also  got a tschüss book. I think that means good bye or farewell book.  It is like a yearbook where all those departing missionaries write a message or good bye.  So I'm kinda excited about that.  We have a lot of missionaries leaving our mission next week. 
Transfer calls are this Friday, I'm hoping to go to Innsbruck. We will see. I don't mind staying in Tubingen but really hope I have a new companion.   I know one of the guys from my district is leaving and the companion he's leaving behind is also doing Persian, so it would be perfect to put Elder Coleman and him together since he is also studying Persian.   Knowing a lot of missionaries are going home, I'm  hoping that means they'll change stuff up. I'm getting to the end of the D & C and I'm starting to enjoy it. I have a strong  testimony of Joseph Smith.  I know he is a Propert and that he asked a sincere prayer and saw God and Jesus Christ.  I know he restored the true church.  I do have my questions and concerns with other stuff on the church, but this I know and feel this testimony is strong. Well that's about it. See ya Love Elder Brown

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