Friday, October 16, 2020

October 14, 20 39 weeks

Hello everyone
This week has been OK -the days have kind of melted together. Probably the most exciting thing we did is we went to Dornbern Austria and met up with the zone leaders for splits. It was a beautiful city with mountains all around and I had fun looking around the city and enjoyed being with Elder Coleman and Bennett. We’ve been told we can do street contact so I hope that Elder Benge I can get out and do that soon. I think that will be a motivation for me to continue to work on my German. 

We’ve been getting a lot of rain and it’s been getting colder. A couple of days ago we had a delayed  train and we missed our bus, so we had to walk home. It was raining and I got soaked. 
We tried to go see a potential investigator but he wasn’t home, we’re both afraid he is there but not answering the door. We did have a district council meeting and that was good. Elder Benge has not been feeling well again this week so we didn’t do much for PDay. This past weekend we had a member baptism, an eight-year-old girl. When we arrived at the church I looked at the baptism program and I guess my German is not very good I thought it said I had to give a talk but I was just a witness. I was relieved. It was fun being with this member family and hanging out with their kids. They have a little three-year-old that speaks German really well. 

I got a call on Sunday afternoon after going to sacrament meeting and a sister member asked if I would fill in for her as accompanist next week.  I told her I was not super comfortable doing that but my German must have not been very understandable, because she said "great, I will get you a list of the hymns." I am nervous but have been to the church building a couple of times this week and practiced on the organ.  I will be playing 4 hymns for sacrament meeting this Sunday.  Say a little prayer for me. 

We got news on Wednesday about sister Neilson passing away. We having a special fast for her family and are  headed to Zürich Friday for a special devotional with the mission president. It was two Elder companionships and  two sister Missionaries on the hike at the bladder lift in Oberried on Lake Brienz.   Apparently she fell, no one knows for sure how, but it was a fairly steep incline and then a drop off. She slid several hundred meters down the slope and was out of sight.  They contacted emergency rescue and 2 of the elders immediately followed to keep and eye on her.  When she first feel they could not see her but they made their way down the side of the hill slowly and got to her about the time the rescue  helicopter arrived. They life flighted her to the University Hospital  where she died from injuries.I think they had to air lift the Elders out as well- they could not climb out.   I did not know her I think I might have seen her at a district meeting but never met her or had any association. Very sad also worried about those that were with her and trying to help. 
Love you hope you have a good week
Elder Carson Brown 

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