Friday, October 16, 2020

Pictures of Dornbirn Austria, Train, and Selfies ❤️

Walking home in a rain storm - got drenched, soaked all the way through to my skin. 

Looking out my apartment window - Kreuzlingen Switzerland

Dornbirn Austria - Pictures taken as we arrive on train and drive around town.  Beautiful mountains and unique houses 

Train Station- Are way of transportation most of the time. 

Looks like I am crying but just pulled some nose hairs.  Fully covered and protected from the Covid

 Screen shots of General Conference - This was a  missionary devotional held in Austria not Australia like it was announced.  Those are sister missionaries in my mission.  We had terrible internet and it was late at night so we could not be at the church.  Feel bad we missed most of this.😩😩😔

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