Thursday, October 14, 2021

October 11, 2021 Week 91

 It has been a really good week.  We have stayed really busy.  Today for P-day we traveled with our district, 8 other missionaries beside me and my companion to the Matterhorn.  It was a beautiful day as we traveled to Zermatt Switzerland and then took a lift or tram part way up the mountain and then hiked.  

We have had several member appointments this week and have eaten with several members.  I really appreciate the willingness of the church members to let us come into their homes and let us share a message.  We are teaching a family in Biel/Bienne  that is a district in Bern Switzerland that lies on the boundary between the French speaking and German speaking part of Switzerland.  We have a member that speaks French that goes with us and it makes teaching this family so much easier.  

We have a partial member family that we are also teaching.  We have several investigators or friends that are attending church with us.  We had one day this week where we did a service project where we helped several members clean up yards, and gardens.  I had an interview with President this week and he said I will most likely stay in Solothurn Switzerland for my last  transfer.  He also said my last transfer will only be 4 weeks because the travel office closed between December 22 and 29 and he wants me to get home for Christmas.  I will travel home before December 22 on the weekend of December 17-18.  We did some street contacting in Solothurn and had some good conversations.  I am really enjoying Elder Gallacher, and grateful for are ability to work together.  Miss you - have a good week 

Elder Carson Brown

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