Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 29, 20 - 41 Weeks

Hello everyone 

My week has been good I feel that I have more hope. I believe that things are going to get better. I am not as discouraged and feel better about the work. Sometimes it’s very difficult to get up each morning when you know that you are going to have a rerun of the day before or perhaps a rerun of the past several weeks or month. The sad thing is our routine or daily schedule are really boring. 

We did have a couple of good things happen this week. We made some good ward member visits and I got a haircut. We had a district meeting and I was able to see some of my past companions. I was excited to see Elder Porter he was my trainer he was very encouraging to me. I’m sad that he is going home next transfer. I was happy to get out and go for a hike on our Pday. I think that does my psyche good to get outside and get some fresh air like mom would always say. 

I’m doing my best to stay positive and we were happy to hear that they are going to start allowing some missionaries to come to the Preston England MTC to stay in quarantine for a two week periods. Then they will be allowed to come into our mission. So in 2 weeks we will be getting about 10 new missionaries and then every two weeks hopefully more. President Naatjes said we may have our mission back fully staffed if all goes well by February. I think this is exciting but it also makes me quite nervous because that means I need to be ready to help them and possibly be a trainer. I just I’m not confident on my language skills. I still sit back and don’t say much when we go to members homes. I usually can understand what they’re talking about but I don’t do well in forming sentences and communicating. I keep trusting in the Lord and hoping that if I do my work and do my part that he will help me. Love you and appreciate your prayers and support.


Elder Carson Brown

Hiking near Dornbirn Austria - South of Kreuzlingen, Switzerland


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Bodensee Obersee (lake) with fall colors - Looking out apartment window/Kreuzlingen Switzerland


October 20,20 - 40 weeks

Hello everyone
The most eventful thing that happened this week is that we travel to Zürich and had a devotional with all the missionaries from Switzerland and with Mission President Naatjes and his wife. There was about 50 Missionaries there and at least 16 stood up and share their memories and thoughts of Sister Nelson who was killed in a hiking accident a week ago. I didn’t know her at all but it was wonderful and special to hear testimonies of the other elders and learn about her.

I got through my organ playing on Sunday everything went OK. We have a few member appointments lined up for this week. I am sad and I’m very disappointed that Switzerland has added some additional restrictions and we cannot do street contacting. We also had to cancel our zone P day that was supposed to be today, because of restrictions on how many people can gather. I guess the numbers have gone up with Covid virus. I am very discouraged that we are moving backwards. Trying to be patient and endure. I really thought by now we would be starting to get back to normal missionary work and teaching. I will try to continue to be patient and stay positive.
Elder Carson Brown

Friday, October 16, 2020

Pictures of Dornbirn Austria, Train, and Selfies ❤️

Walking home in a rain storm - got drenched, soaked all the way through to my skin. 

Looking out my apartment window - Kreuzlingen Switzerland

Dornbirn Austria - Pictures taken as we arrive on train and drive around town.  Beautiful mountains and unique houses 

Train Station- Are way of transportation most of the time. 

Looks like I am crying but just pulled some nose hairs.  Fully covered and protected from the Covid

 Screen shots of General Conference - This was a  missionary devotional held in Austria not Australia like it was announced.  Those are sister missionaries in my mission.  We had terrible internet and it was late at night so we could not be at the church.  Feel bad we missed most of this.😩😩😔


50 Things I learned on my Mission   Elder Brown           1- Probably the most important thing I've learned on my mission is how much  I...